Friday, September 13, 2024

Book Blitz with Excerpt + Teaser + Giveaway: A Sleigh Ride For Charlotte by Sarah Lamb @XpressoTours

A Sleigh Ride For Charlotte by Sarah Lamb
Publication date: August 13th, 2024

Sometimes the simple choice isn't easy.

Charlotte Harrison dreams of being part of the winter festival, where romance fills the air and new starts are made. Penniless after her family was swindled, she's always stayed home, unwilling to be looked at with pity. But this year Charlotte is desperate and willing to do whatever it takes to be there when she hears the most eligible man in town has his eye on her.

New in town, Dr. Justin Davis is in dire need of someone to assist him at his practice. When Charlotte is suggested, it seems like an opportunity for them both. At first, he simply wants to help her financial situation. But against his better judgment, he falls in love with her. Worst of all, the man she desires is someone he can't stand, and he might have just sent her straight into his arms.

Through a series of surprising events, Charlotte learns that not everyone is as they seem, and when she goes to give her heart away, she's faced with uncertainty. Who is she going to choose? The man she's been longing for? Or the man who truly loves her?

Available at:

There was a knock at her door. She didn't answer. When it sounded again, she answered, "I'm not hungry, Mama. Please. Let me rest. My head hurts."

It was quiet, and Charlotte relaxed slightly. Then, a voice spoke softly against her door. "Charlotte. Please, can we talk?"

She tensed. That wasn't her mother. It was Justin. Why was he here? Charlotte closed her eyes. The ache in her chest grew.

"I don't know what you heard," Justin continued, his voice sounding as pain-filled as she felt, "but I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I've never wanted to hurt you, only protect you. From the moment I first saw you, it's been hard to stop thinking about you."

Charlotte looked at the door. Why wouldn't he go away? What made him think he could stay there, torturing her? Making her feel worse? His words were not helping her confusion.

Still, Justin kept talking. "I fell in love with you. I'm not sure when it happened, but I did. I didn't want to tell you, though. You were, are, I don't know, in love with August. It wouldn't have been right of me to make things awkward. It wasn't just that. I enjoy being around you. I was selfish. I was scared to lose your friendship. I still am."

Charlotte bit her lip. She didn't say anything, but she sank down on her bed and pulled her knees to her chest. She rested her head on her knees as she listened.

"And then," Justin went on, "there was the fact you are a single woman. I'm new to town and also unmarried. If I'd let you know how I felt--how I feel--then it could have put you in a compromising position. That would have ruined your chances of getting what you wanted. Who you wanted. Him."

There was a long silence. Charlotte kept staring at the door, trying to picture him beyond it. But no matter how much she wanted to see him, she refused to open that door. Things were too complicated. She hurt too much.

Justin kept talking. "I know that my being scared to say anything, even if I thought it had a noble purpose, has put you in the exact spot I didn't want you to be in. I'm sorry. If I could change things, I would. I just don't know how. Charlotte, you make me happy. Your smile, even if it's not meant for me, does something to me. It brings me joy to see it. Knowing you are content and well and enjoying life, that's all I want. Please, please, Charlotte. I'm worry about you. I just want to make sure you are okay. Please let me see you."

Though he couldn't see her, Charlotte shook her head. She didn't want to see him. Didn't want to see anyone. Somehow, between tonight and tomorrow morning, she had to make up her mind about what to do.

The silence stretched, and Charlotte closed her eyes. Soon the sound of his footsteps faded away.

This wasn't just about her anymore, and what she wanted. This was about her mother and Justin, keeping them safe.

SARAH LAMB is wife to an amazing teacher and mom to two boys who are growing up just a little too fast. Her day job is helping others to become writers, while she squeezes in each spare moment she can on her own books. She spends her days working and writing in the Blue Ridge Mountains and planning her next trip to Disney World.