Sunday, February 11, 2024

Review: Juniper by April Skye

Juniper by April Skye
Series: Graves Crime Syndicate #3
Publication date: November 16th, 2022
Pages: 374
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Huxley --

As I sat in the hospital with Allison and her newborn daughter, the weight of my 1911 hung from my holster at my side.

I never imagined the gun gifted to me by my Grandpa Weston would be stolen off me, or used to shoot the parents of the child sleeping in my arms. Her mother had survived, but her father hadn't.

For weeks, I believed I was the sole reason for Devon's death. Turns out my presence on the street that night was an unexpected variable.

But now, we had the evidence we needed to go after those threatening Allison and her child.

And my brothers and I would go to any lengths to make sure our girls were safe.

-- Juniper is a 100k full-length mafia/gang new adult romance with a 'why choose?' theme meaning our leading lady ends up with all of her guys in the end. This book is the conclusion to the series with a HEA, but only the beginnings of the Lexingfield Universe.--

Warning: This is a dark romance for an adult audience that includes extreme grief, scenes of torture and bodily harm, drug-induced hallucinations, attempted assault, sex trafficking, and other themes that understandably may be triggering. Additionally, in part with our leading lady's healing journey, there are romantic and/or spicy scenes between her and the four guys she refuses to pick between. Please read at your own discretion. For a complete list of triggers, please visit the author's website.

Available at:

The baby is finally here and the pieces are starting to fall into place as to what exactly happened with Allison's husband. It seemed it was time for her men to start exacting some revenge and putting an end to the crooked gang business that had cost Allison her beloved husband and her daughter a father. As they start moving with military planning courtesy of Lachlan and Matthew's training, the twisted events start to unfold. But the more they poke and prod and try to figure out where to strike first, the more of a target Allison becomes until she is captured which costs one of her new family members their life. Allison is starting to move through her grief a bit more easily but everything threatens to fall to pieces as she starts to learn that people she thought she could trust were not to be trusted at all.

I kind of saw the writing on the wall from the very beginning when they figured out that Allison and Devon were the actual targets of that night and not Huxley. But I was curious to see how it all unfolded. There were some twists that made me raise a brow. But most seemed to be what I had thought to expect. Sometimes it is nice to see it all explained exactly as you had thought it would be. Other times it can cause the story to become boring. Luckily the author was skilled enough to add a few curveballs into the mix that would wreck her readers. IE: letting one of the best characters DIE?! I will not soon forgive you for that, April. 

What can I say but that this book was another stellar addition to the series and a fine conclusion to the trilogy. The only problem I had with it was that there was a lot of heat between the guys and Allison for three books but it was only in the last 10% of the final book that she was physical with any of them and it was only the one out of the four that got any. The scene was really short and not particularly details. It really felt like it was an afterthought. Kind of like the author got to the end and went "Whoops, never wrote any sex scenes, let me just throw this little one in here so nobody gets mad." I'm still mad! I wanted to see one of my two favorites get some actions too! I will not say who those are because I don't want to spoil it but I may have mentioned it in previous reviews if you really want to hunt for it. I would have liked if there was a little more of Allison letting each of the other men be physical with her as well so it didn't feel like favoritism. That was my only drawback.

Juniper was the tied up loose ends and happily ever after ending we had been waiting for through all the tears and heartache of Widow and Meadow.