Monday, August 5, 2024

Book Blitz with Excerpt + Teasers + Giveaway: The Moon Run by Kathleen Contine @XpressoTours

The Moon Run by Kathleen Contine
Series: The Moon Run #1
Publication date: May 1st, 2024

He's her biggest rival in The Moon Run. And the reason her co-pilot is dead. Now they're being forced to race together.

Finley Clarke swore off racing after a fatal crash cost her first place and her teammate. As she comes around to the idea of entering again, she finds out the only person who is willing to be her new co-pilot is the man named Garis who caused the crash.

As Finley and Garis enter The Moon Run, they realize there's more than just the harsh desert out to get them. The other racers will stop at nothing to win. Even if it means they have to kill. Can Finley and Garis put aside their past to win the race?

The Moon Run is the first book in a sci-fi racing series by Kathleen Contine. If you like action, compelling characters, and a dash of romance, then you'll love this new space adventure.

Available at:

The sun hung in the sky for what felt like a few extra hours that day. They had water in the ship for such a situation and rationed it between them to make sure they didn't run out. Garis still hung onto his plan that they should just walk to the last checkpoint, but Finley was adamant they stay with the ship.

They sat across from each other in the shade underneath the ship, their helmets left in their seats. Garis passed the water bottle to her.

She took a drink, letting the cool liquid sit in her mouth before swallowing. "Do the med ships have the day off today or something? They're not normally this slow."

Garis rubbed his chin. "You know, I think I remember someone suggesting we walk to the checkpoint so we didn't have to wait around all day for the med ship. Can't remember who it was though."

"Good thing we didn't listen to them. Sounds like a terrible idea." She took another sip of water before handing it back to him. He smiled at her before taking a sip himself.

"Who do you think won today?" she asked.

"Well, if we were set up, then it stands other people might've been as well. I hope Tese and Erida won because I don't believe the others think they're much of a threat. But maybe that's their strategy. Lure us into a false sense of security and then, when we all aren't worrying about them, win the rest of the race."

"Maybe they were the ones who messed with the ship. They're letting everyone else think it was Castor. And at the end of the race, they'll put on a dramatic reveal that it was them all along." Finley laughed.

"Can you imagine Tese and Erida planning together how to sabotage everyone else? They're so nice they would think switching out our comfy cushions with firmer ones counts as sabotage." Garis laughed and handed the water bottle back.

A shock rushed through their hands, and Finley pulled back so fast she almost spilled the water. Garis caught it and set it down next to her.

"Your hand isn't getting shaky, is it? That would be our luck to have to switch pilots in the middle of the race."

Finley scoffed. "You think I would let you fly?"

Garis considered for a moment. "If there was no other option? Yes."

"The only way you'd be the last option would be if we were the only two left in the race."

"Easy win for me then." Garis smiled. "In all honesty I think you've been flying the ship really well. Better than I could handle it."

"Oh. Well, thank you." What do you say when the person who you've actively hated for the last year gives you a genuine compliment?

"Don't let it get to your head. I said 'so far.'" He reached forward and took the bottle.

KATHLEEN CONTINE is an award-winning author who has always loved stories about aliens and far off galaxies. She graduated from Saint Leo University with a bachelors in English with a concentration in professional writing.

When she isn't writing her newest sci-fi book, she's watching Star Wars, playing video games, and reading other thrilling space operas. Metal Bones is her debut novel.

To keep up with Kathleen, visit her website.