Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Release Blitz with Excerpt: The Comforter by Magdalene Dietchka @mdietchka @EJBookPromos

The Comforter by Magdalene Dietchka
Series: The Stolen Ones #1
Publication date: July 16th, 2024

Dangers follow Tatiyanna and Daniel halfway around the world and only Tatiyanna's powers can save them.

Tatiyanna Demczak's life has never been easy. Between two jobs and keeping her strange powers a secret, she finds little time to make new friends or date. After her living situation becomes dangerous, her old roommate, Yael, helps her find a new place to live where a chance meeting turns her life upside down.

Daniel Dupree strives to improve the lives of those around him, but he's tired of being alone. Circumstances reunite him with the woman who has haunted his dreams for four years and set him on a path of discovering a world he never knew existed. Can he learn to trust in things he cannot see for the chance at true love?

As Tatiyanna and Daniel explore their newfound relationship, Tatiyanna discovers she's not alone with her secrets, and is destined to help save the world.

Available at:

Daniel Dupree stood in the corner of a sterile hospital room and watched his mother sitting next to his sister's bed, holding her hand. The only sound in the room was his mother's quiet tears and the monitors with their steady beeps. His sister, Kelly, was so frail and so young. At sixteen, she should be learning to drive or hanging out at the mall. Instead, she was dying from a rare blood cancer and there was nothing he or anyone else could do about it. His bone marrow hadn't been a match. Daniel's family waited for two years for a donor, and none could be found, and all other treatments had failed. Despite his family's wealth and connections, they couldn't find a match for Kelly proving that money couldn't buy everything. Now, the hourglass had run out. All of Kelly's loved ones had gathered here at the hospital to say their goodbyes.

Tatiyanna Demczek listened carefully to the movement of the family next to her bed. She hurt too severely to move her head, and opening her eyes seemed an impossible task. The sounds of girls her age saying goodbye to the patient in the next bed wrenched her heart. She could feel the beings, known to her as Shepherds, standing with her and the girl. When the girl's monitors started going off, her aunt and the family were quickly ushered out of the room as the doctors came in to attempt to save the girl. Tatiya cracked her eyes open with significant effort and saw the chaos unfolding. The curtain was accidentally pushed out of the way by the movement of the medical team. She stared at the Shepherd standing at the girl's head and knew what was about to happen. She had seen it several times during her cancer treatments, but she never said anything. The last time she spoke about the Shepherds, the doctors, and her parents had assumed they were delusions caused by her brain tumor.

MAGDALENE DIETCHKA is a debut author who is making waves in the literary world with her captivating writing style and heartfelt stories. Her books take readers on a journey through the pages and leave them wanting more. Magdalene's passion for writing shines through in every word she puts on paper, and her readers can't get enough.

Magdalene was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania to a large loving, and crazy family. She has always been proud of her Eastern European heritage and studied international relations with a specialization in Eastern European studies. She lived in Moscow for a summer in the late nineties. The following year, she met her husband online and it was love at first sight. Magdalene now lives in West Virginia with her husband and two dogs.