Monday, February 8, 2021

Book Tour with Guest Post + Giveaway: A Simple Job by Kelly Kenyon

A Simple Job by Kelly Kenyon
Series: A Simple Job #1
Publication date: September 13th, 2020

A Simple Job is a story about a family man struggling to get back on his feet financially after COVID 19. After stumbling across a secret society that may be able to help, he has to decide to continue to struggle or take a leap of faith.

Eli Asher is in hot water. He's not sure which one is adding up faster, the lies he's told his wife or the past due notices they are getting. He needs a job, a good job with benefits so he can take care of his family. 

He thinks he has one, but loses it to a member of some secret that he wants no part of, until his hot water starts to boil and he has no choice but to take a leap of faith. That leap takes him away from his family and on a cross country adventure where he does a series of simple jobs, working with some incredible people. He learns more about what really matters every step of the way adding depth and breadth to his understanding of himself and the world, transforming his very life.

This is an easy read that will leave you feeling good and glad you spent the time, so go ahead and click the buy now button.

Available at:

Guest Post
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?

My stories are like any family road trip. you have the plan, the keys, the reservations, and everything else you could think of or possibly need. Then you pull out of the driveway and head for the highway, where inevitably the plan meets reality. A tire blows, something got left behind, there is an argument or somebody won't stop touching somebody. Five hundred miles down the road the new family dog throws up and doesn't stop for the rest of the trip. It's harder to get the dog back in the car after each stop and the meds from, not one, but two vets aren't helping at all. You prepaid for tickets to all kinds of stuff in advance. If you don't stay on schedule not only will you lose the money, but you won't be able to go to the show, event, amusement park or whatever because they sell out well in advance. Or something else too ridiculous to make up comes, except in the story the character is insisting that it has to happen exactly that way. Then allowances are made or arguments are had and compromises are struck. Once back on the road we keep following the plan to the fullest extent possible, but what can you say? Life happens.

Hi, I'm Kelly. I am originally from the Pacific Northwest. I'm a life coach and author. When I'm not writing I love to travel anywhere, but especially around the U.S. with Reyna my blind wiener dog and travel companion.
I recently partnered up with my friend Kirtideva Peruman (and a third private partner) in a fledgling publishing company, I have loved to read my entire life and after reading thousands of books I have to say the author that inspired me the most was Richard Bach. His work has had such a huge impact on my life starting in my teens. One, Bridge Across Forever, Illusions and the Ferret Chronicles are my favorites. I also love stories like Pay It Forward. I think fiction can and should do more than entertain and these are some books that did that for me.
It is my deepest desire that my stories impact readers in the same way the aforementioned stories impacted me. My goal always is to write about a diverse range of characters and challenge the reader's views of what is possible, through quality stories that are uplifting and entertaining.