Saturday, May 29, 2021

Release Blitz with Excerpt + Teasers: The Last Kiss by Anna Bloom @annabloombooks @GiveMeBooksBlog

The Last Kiss by Anna Bloom
Series: The Notting Hill Sisterhood #1
Publication date: May 28th, 2021

My life began when I found out it was ending.

One Frenchman. One night. No questions. No names.
The perfect antidote for a stolen future.
Fate though has other plans. This doesn't feel like a one-night stand, it feels like soulmates for a lifetime.
One night can't be enough because I think we're falling in love.
It has to be enough, because how do you tell someone it's the end when all you want is for it to be the beginning?

Can you learn to live and love, knowing it might never last?

Travel with the characters from London to France via this inspirational, heartwarming, angsty love story from the pen of Anna Bloom.

Available at:
Free in Kindle Unlimited!!

I can feel what living is. It's in one moment to the next. One breath that leads to another. One touch, one sigh, one glance, creating a perfect moment that is imprinted forever.

All I want is his kiss. It's a burn, a desire, a question that needs to be met with an answer.

Hands clutch my elbows, but instead of screaming or fending for my life with my handbag as a weapon, I'm shuddering, breathing out a long held bated breath.

Breathing the same air as... as...

"Henri Carré." His lips crush into mine and I moan a deep and toe curling sigh.

Fate, you wily beast I thought you'd let me down.

It hits me how much I've been craving this moment, desperately waiting without wanting to give meaning to the ache festering under my skin. The grey of my world bursts into colour with the press of his lips. 

Henri. The perfect name.

The Ex-Apocalypse by Anna Bloom (The Notting Hill Sisterhood #2) -
(Releasing September 16th, 2021)

A book hoarder and coffee addict by heart Anna Bloom loves to write extraordinary stories about real love. Based south of London with her husband, three children and a dog with a beard, Anna likes to connect with readers, fan girl over her favourite authors and binge watch Supernatural and Superhero movies while drinking lots of wine.

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