Thursday, May 9, 2024

Review: Untamed by Lacey Carter Andersen

Untamed by Lacey Carter Andersen
Series: House of Berserkers #1
Publication date: April 30th, 2020
Pages: 220
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Three handsome men want my heart, but a dark king has claimed me for his own...

Prophecies are dangerous things, but the prophecy that my chosen mate will gain incredible power is just plain insane. What's more, it inspires a ruthless man to stop at nothing to try to take me for his own.

Luckily for me, three men stand at my side. One man is a berserker with dark secrets and an even darker past. Another is a cocky, possessive dragon shifter who might just be the last of his kind. And the final man is a sweet mutant, who has just as many scars on his heart as he does on his body.

With them, I could have a kind of love I only ever imagined. But only if we survive.

UNTAMED is a steamy reverse harem romance with vampires, shifters, unique supernaturals, and a mystery. There is no cheating, and there is a happily-ever-after at the end of the series.

Available at:

Keira had thought that a night out on the town with her berserker friends would be the highlight to her graduation, but instead it ended in one of her friends dying and Keira unlocking her berserker abilities. After killing a bunch of vampires to avenge her friend she was sentenced to the Wicked Reform School to try to mend her murderous ways and become a vital part of the supernatural society again. But this school is not like any other. Underage supernaturals go there to die for the entertainment of the sadistic teachers. They are put through classes that all have the potential to kill any number of them in the process. Keira though catches the eye of a few men who will stop at nothing to keep her safe. A dragon shifter who is too cocky and sure of himself. A mutant that avoids the malice of the world and remains in solitude. And a berserker from Keira's past she never thought she'd see again. Can these three men help Keira get out alive or will they all die agonizing deaths one by one?

The story overall has a lot of good facets to it. The mystery is an intriguing one. Why did Keira's friend die? Why is Keira the only female berserker to present with abilities? What does the prophecy say in its entirety because it feels like some things are missing. The execution of the plot seems a bit... quick and forced. I have never been much for characters that hop into bed with each other just because of an overwhelming attraction they can't find. The whole love at first sight just isn't believable enough for me. So the connections between Keira and her men aside from one seemed to just kind of happen out of nowhere. So it caused the story, for me, to suffer a bit.

Her men definitely cover the full scope of lovers. She has the sweet and innocent one in Adam. The cocky lady's man in Drake. And the brooding quiet one who tries to resist her in Emory. I definitely find Adam to be one of my favorites. He seems to be learning how to socialize effectively all on the fly. He reminds me of someone with autism that can't really figure out social cues well. But he tried so hard and was so happy to have friends that my heart melted for him. I do hope in the next few books they get more into his history because I am really curious about this whole "mutant" thing.

The book was shorter than I would have liked and did feel a little rushed but it was not a bad story. It didn't have bad characters either. It was worth the read if you plan to read the whole series but not if you think you're just going to read the first and then quit there.