Saturday, October 5, 2013

Review: Haunted Chemistry by Lindsey R. Loucks @NetGalley

Haunted Chemistry by Lindsey R. Loucks
Publication date: September 30th, 2013
Pages: 120

When bookish college co-ed Alexis heads to the laundry room in her new apartment, she runs into Ian Reese, the chem lab partner she crushed on all last semester. And the guy who stood her up on their first date. But she's down for an awkward reunion, and no better place than her creepy laundry room.

Ian has every intention of making amends, but just when Alexis begins to trust him again, a new threat calls more than their future together into question. A ghost from the apartment's past is hellbent on revenge, and if he wants to get his girl, he'll have to get the ghost first.

Available at:

I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Alright so the cover leaves a bit to be desired and the synopsis is a little odd. I decided to give it a try anyway. I have always seen good things from Entangled and I expected this book to be no less than awesome. I have a copy of Lindsey R. Lourks's The Grave Winner which I haven't read just yet, but have heard great reviews of it. I was hoping Haunted Chemistry would be another fun, albeit short, read.

Alexis just moved into her new apartment three weeks ago. She is venturing down into the creepy laundry room for the first time due to lack of clean clothes. She ends up bumping into her chem partner who she has been pining for ever since last semester. Fighting her immediate and involuntary attraction for him due to hurt feelings over him ditching her for their first ever date, she pushes past him and sets to the mediocre chore of producing clean clothes. It is only then when she starts to notice creepy things happening around her. Like a cabinet that refuses to stay closed.

Ian is determined to win Alexis's favor once more and being her knight in shining armor when she is afraid of things that go bump in the night seems just the right occasion. Through the fear they both come face to face with and the fiery feelings blossoming once more between them its a wonder if either of them come out of this situation unscathed.

This is yet another novella so there is not a lot I can say without giving everything in the story away. Unlike my last small book reviewed, this one was simply not up to par for me. The story moved fast, as is natural with shorter books, but it flew by with almost implausible circumstances. There was almost no meat to the story. The drama and action didn't rivet me at all and I found it kind of silly rather than scary. The romance between the two characters seemed forced. The only thing I liked about the book was the cat. I like cats. I like when they are in stories. That's it. This book was almost my first DNF and I am a stickler for finishing what I begin whether I want to or not.

Haunted Chemistry is a short ride down an odd supernatural road. I can say this for sure, there are very few books like it.