Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Review: Dangerous by Jacquelyn Frank written as JAX @JacquelynFrank @KensingtonBooks

Dangerous by Jacquelyn Frank
Series: Morphate #2
Publication date: January 1st, 2013
Pages: 320

A body that won't quit
Clothes that are barely there
Eyes that openly invite him to take what he wants

Devon Candler is nothing like the helpless, vulnerable woman Liam expected when he agreed to provide security for her secluded Catskill Mountain estate. Yet her life is at risk. Her enemies monsters. Her secrets devastating.

Liam Nash is a trained killer who takes no prisoners, fears no man. But to him this woman is seductively, devastatingly...


Available at:

I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I am a part of a paranormal romance book club and in that aspect I have heard A LOT about Jacquelyn Frank and her amazing writing. When I saw this optioned on NetGalley and read it was a new project of Jacquelyn Frank's I had to see what all the hype was about with her writing. I was afraid I was going to be disappointed and have to wage war against my fellow paranormal romance lovers if I didn't like her book. Fortunately, that was a non-issue.

Dangerous opens on a military-esk training exercise with Liam Nash as the commander. Displaying his troops' expertise to a perspective client and disliking that fact in ever way. Liam is a tough-as-nails man who was groomed to be not just the best bodyguard in the business, but also a man with no squeamishness when it came to a little blood and a little death. He never knew a woman who could keep his interest or a job that was anything but business as usual.

Then he meets Devon.

Devon is a pristine and beautiful specimen of a woman who is blunt, ferocious, and irresistible to the stoic Liam. She enlists his help in protecting herself and the prototypes she has developed that could even the odds between the human race and a race of immortals with little to no regard for humans as more than vermin to be put down.  Liam is the only human to ever figure out a way to kill this new lab-created race of humanoid monsters.

Between the steamy, hot romance between Devon and Liam and the new race of vampire-esk creatures in this book, it was no small stretch to look up on the last page of the book and realize I had read the entire 320 pages in one sitting. This book binge was well worth the lack of sleep it caused. I found that Jacquelyn Frank's writing was some of the hottest sex scenes, most thought out plot, and original concept of antagonists I have seen in a long time. There were no shortcomings that I could find in this book, and I usually can ALWAYS find SOMETHING I didn't like about the story, characters, or sequence of events. I loved it all. I want more. There is no mention as to whether this is going to be a series or not, but I would love if it were. I would love it even more if it was a continuation of Devon and Liam's story.

Dangerous is the type of paranormal romance that walks the fine line of erotica. The sex scenes are  all consuming, the romance is heart felt, and the danger is almost tangible. My heart raced so much during the reading of this story, I was sure it was going to burst out of my chest at any moment. Jacquelyn Frank, or JAX if you rather, has found her way onto my list of favorite paranormal romance writers. Congratulation's Jacquelyn, and well done!