
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Book Blitz with Excerpt + Teasers + Giveaway: Etude by Morgan Shamy @MorganShamy @XpressoTours

Etude by Morgan Shamy
Series: The Dark Nocturne #2
Publication date: June 28th, 2022

For November Huntington, the past haunts worse than any ghost.

After spending a summer without Vincent, a tortured pianist who also happens to be immortal, November tries to move on. When kids begin to fall into comas, November is thrust back into the haunted, musical world. Except, this time, more danger lurks.

Vincent is powerful. Dreams are causing these comas, and November believes he's the one behind the attacks. To stop him, November must find the Blood Magic--the only power capable of helping her save these kids. But in doing so, she awakens a horrific group who live off of blood and kill for sport. What's worse? A brood of witches con their way in, hungry for the power at hand.

One by one, November finds all her loved ones being wrenched away. Fear grips her, and she's worried she might lose her mind, her sanity slowly fading, until she must face Vincent alone.

Is he her true love? Or is he out for her blood?

Only her dreams will tell.

Available at:

Warmth continued to spread inside her veins, stretching through her whole being, her skin alive and buzzing. The feeling seeped into her, stirring an awareness to every part of her body. She allowed the feeling to overtake her, send her mind spinning.

"Do you feel it?" Cam asked, his voice rough.

"Yes," November answered.

"Open up your mind, try to control the feeling. We need to search on the different layers we slip through."

Cam's hold on her tightened as if willing them to stay on the same plane. His jaw was clamped tight, his teeth grit together. November tried to follow Cam's lead, focusing in on her mind instead of the dance.

Everything was cloudy--hazy images and sparks and blurring shapes. The visions flicked from one to the next, blending together inside her head. It was impossible to stop the layers that were slipping from one to the other.

"Focus harder," Cam bit out.

Morgan Shamy is an ex-ballerina turned YA writer. She has been immersed in the arts since the young age of 4, where she performed various roles alongside a professional ballet company for over seven years, and has danced on prestigious stages like soloing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. She has taught hundreds of girls in her fifteen years of teaching, where some of her students have received full-ride scholarships to schools like School of American Ballet, the Harid Conservatory, Kirov Academy of Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet, to name a few.

Morgan discovered writing when her three-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer. It was through that experience which instilled the need to share art and magic with children through words on the page.

Morgan is also an accomplished concert pianist. She was the first girl in Utah to receive the 75 pt. Gold Cup in the Utah Federation of Music in piano solo/concerto competition. Morgan currently lives with her X-Games gold-medalist husband and four children in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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