
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Book Blitz with Excerpt + Teasers + Giveaway: Catching Quinn by Jennifer Bonds @jbondswrites @XpressoTours

Catching Quinn by Jennifer Bonds
Series: Waverly Wildcats #2
Publication date: June 28th, 2022

What's a girl have to do to lose her virginity around here?

When I decided to ditch my V-card, I figured Greek Row was a sure thing.

I didn't count on Cooper-the-cockblocking-jockhole-DeLaurentis or his misguided sense of bro code putting an embarrassing end to my hookup. After all, Waverly's star wide receiver is the most notorious player on campus.

He's arrogant. Infuriating. Sexy as hell.

Just ask him.

Worse? He's made it his personal mission to scare off every guy who shows an interest in me. But I'm not about to be outwitted by a hypocritical baller with more ego than sense. I may be a hot mess, but I'm not pushover.

Two can play this game, and I'm playing to win.

Available at:

"You know my sister, right?" Noah grins and ruffles my hair like I'm five freaking years old. "Calamity Quinn."

Heat floods my cheeks and I chew viciously, trying not to choke on the fluffy carbs before I can kill my brother. I'm sure my parents won't miss him. Much.

"That seat's taken," I say, crossing my fingers under the table. Any conversation that involves Noah, Cooper, and I can't possibly end well. "Sorry."

Another lie.

It's a miracle Coop hasn't told Noah about Operation Spontaneous Hookup, and I'm not about to press my luck now.

"Really?" Noah asks, not bothering to mask his doubt. Like it's so hard to believe I'm meeting someone for coffee.

Coop smirks and shakes his head, shoulders trembling with silent laughter.


"Who are you meeting?" Noah widens his stance and glances around the cafe. "Anyone I know?"


Coop smiles, that sexy ass grin of his extending all the way to his eyes. "Please tell me you haven't added blind dates to your playbook."

"What playbook?" Noah turns back to me, suspicion darkening his features. "You haven't played sports a day in your life."

"There's no playbook." I roll my eyes and hook a thumb toward Cooper. "You know he took some nasty hits during the Iowa game, right? His brains are probably scrambled."

Noah gives me a WTF look and glances at Coop, no doubt calculating the odds that I've offended his brother.

"Besides, even if I was on a blind date, it's no one's business but my own."

"Beg to differ," Noah says at the same time Coop blurts, "Bullshit."

I groan and tip my head to the sky. This cannot be happening.

Oh, it's happening.

Noah turns to Cooper, giving him the same WTF look he gave me seconds ago.

"She's your sister." Coop shrugs, like this is a perfectly normal conversation, which, spoiler alert: it's not. "If she's meeting random dudes, she should at least tell someone where she's going and who she's meeting." The cocky jockhole winks and adds, "Safety first."

"Yeah," I huff, piling on the sarcasm. "I'll bet you're a real safety guy."

Noah's head swivels, his gaze ping-ponging between Coop and me, before he announces, "I'm getting coffee. I need caffeine to deal with this mess."

Pretty sure the mess he's referring to is me, but I don't even care because he turns on his heel and heads for the counter.

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.

Unfortunately, Cooper doesn't follow.

Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away.

I reach for my muffin, but Coop gets there first, snatching the whole darn thing.


He lifts it to his nose and inhales deeply. "Is this pumpkin?"

Coop doesn't wait for a reply, just takes a ginormous bite and grisn down at me as he chews, a big ass smile on his face.

"You're the worst." I sigh. "Surely there's someone else you can go annoy?"

He shrugs, and I swear to God, there's a twinkle in his eye. "Turnabout is fair play, sweetheart."

"In case you've forgotten," I say, crossing my arms, "I never agreed to play this messed up game."

My life is enough of a trainwreck without him interfering at every turn.

"Damn." Coop heaves a beleaguered sigh, but I don't miss the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "And here I thought we were friends."

"Friends share." I arch a brow and stare pointedly at the muffin. My muffin.

"Exactly." He tears what's left of it in half and offers me the larger piece. "Which is why I figured you wouldn't mind if I sampled the goods. You know, since last time you accidentally took mine."

It was no accident and we both know it, but I just smile up at him with wide-eyed innocence and take the proffered muffin.

"So." He shifts his weight and adjusts the bag slung over his shoulder. "Have you given up your mission or should I expect to see you at Sig Chi Saturday night?"

I open my mouth to give a snarky reply, but Coop's words echo in my head.

Turnabout is fair play.

The cocky cockblocker--try saying that three times fast--has blocked me twice now. Twice. Surely, he doesn't expect me to just take it lying down?

No freaking way.

If the arrogant jockhole wants to play dirty, it's game on.

I smile sweetly at Coop, meeting those gorgeous blue eyes head-on. "I guess you'll find out Saturday night."

Jennifer Bonds is the USA Today bestselling author of sizzling contemporary romance with sassy heroines, sexy alphas, and a whole lot of mischief. She's a sucker for enemies-to-lovers stories, laugh-out-loud banter, and over-the-top grand gestures. Jennifer lives in Pennsylvania, where her overactive imagination and weakness for reality TV keep life interesting. She's lucky enough to live with her own real-life hero, two adorable (and sometimes crazy) children, and one rambunctious K9. Loves Buffy, Mexican food, a solid Netflix binge, the Winchester brothers, cupcakes, and all things zombie. Sings off-key.

To connect with Jen--and get a FREE book--visit her website!

You can find her on Facebook and Instagram.

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