
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Release Blitz with Playlist + Teasers: Pulseless by A.P. Watson @APwatsonauthor @EJBookPromos

Pulseless by A.P. Watson
Publication date: November 10th, 2022
Cover Design: Cady Verdiramo of Cruel Ink Editing & Design

Three simple rules.
All I had to do was follow three simple rules, and I'd complete graduate school.

Rule #1: Ace my tests.
Rule #2: Complete my assigned clinical hours.
Rule #3: Do not fall for the doctor at the aforementioned assigned clinical placement.

Well... two out of three ain't bad, right?

Rule #3 would be so much easier to follow if Finn, that jerk of a doctor, wasn't so handsome. The two of us mix about as well as oil and vinegar. If opposites attract, why does my flight response kick in whenever I'm within a two-foot radius of Finn?

After a failed engagement that ended in heartbreak, you'd think I'd be the one drowning in my own bitterness, but Finn is doing that enough for both of us.

I guess there's a reason he's aptly earned the nickname Dr. Dick.

Three simple rules.
All I had to do was follow three simple rules, and I'd never have to see Dr. Dick again.

There's only one tiny problem...

I think he might be growing on me--the grumpy, pessimistic man I never saw coming.

I just might be what the doctor didn't order...

Available at:


A.P. WATSON is a contemporary and paranormal romance author from Tennessee. When she's not writing, she can be found working as a nurse practitioner, spoiling her dog, or recreationally pole dancing.

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