
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Blog Tour with Excerpt + Giveaway: Prophecy of the Guardian by J.W. Baccaro @JWBaccaro @RockstarBkTours


Prophecy of the Guardian by J.W. Baccaro
Series: Guardian Trilogy #1
Publication date: August 2nd, 2020
Publisher: J.W. Baccaro

"Not darkness, not light, perhaps something in between, and is claimed by the darkness... as theirs. Though being saved by the light, that which is saved must in turn save the world..."

Darshun Luthais has never experienced the Nasharin Frenzy--the unbending will to challenge a stronger opponent, no matter the cost. He doesn't know what he will transform into, has never bonded with an elemental crystal and has never seen any of the unearthly creatures his father talks about. Even though he's an infant in Nasharin years, his life consists of nothing but constant training, striving to unlock the sleeping power his so-called accursed race is born with. 

But all that changes when he is pursued by a Dream Assassin in the dead of night. What he witnesses will forever change his outlook on life and lead him on a quest only the strongest can complete.

Available at:

"Come forward, Cullach of Zithel," a female voice ordered.

Ziah knew the voice immediately... the Dark Queen Talvenya, sitting there on her throne. He obeyed, passing through a host of silent Draconian guards, but wouldn't dare look upon her unless spoken to. With his head hung low, staring at the polished marble floor, each square beautifully patterned with black and blood red, he stopped a few paces before her and kneeled.

"Raise your face to me," she commanded.

Trembling, he obeyed.

There she sat, in a black scarlet cloth dress with sheer sleeves and shiny black leather boots. Long raven hair drifted past her shoulders, painted black lips and violet eyes. She also wore amethyst earrings, blue, red and citrine spinel necklaces. Her hands sported long dark fingernails, sharp like daggers that could rip apart flesh. Yes, even Cullach found her 'desirable,' for she appeared to be very stunning, though in a deadly way. She existed as lust, pure lust that could lead another--had led others straight into the grave.

Her violet gaze dominated him, and he could scarcely breathe.

"Ziah, why is it you return here empty handed?"

"For--give me my Queen, but it was not--not my fault, neither was it the fault of my platoon. Let me explain what happened--"

"Silence, Cullach!" Fire lashed in her tone. She rose and stepped hard toward him. 

Her angry presence making Ziah feel as though it were the coldest winter day.

"You come back to my castle, stand before my throne, my presence--with no crystals, and say it is not your fault?"

In humility he sank to the floor, throwing his face at her feet, kissing her leather boots. "Please, my Queen, my Goddess, if I could just explain."

Placing a sole against his face, she kicked him over onto his back. "Spare me your excuses. Instead, you may tell the king, who is returning now."

And he was. They could hear his loud footsteps echoing down the hall and approaching the lair.

In a way, this pleased Ziah. When he'd first entered and saw him not in his throne, or anywhere in the room, his fear grew worse because if any were to show him mercy, it would be the king.

The queen was unforgiving. All who'd ever failed her in the past were now either stone or dust. Perhaps now, this 'poor' Cullach would have a chance?

The metal doors swung open and in he walked, overshadowing all. He stood seven feet, with long reddish-black hair, and wore a crimson ganache draped over his shoulders to his elbows, a black cape, and murrey leather boots. Sheathed in a thick black girdle was his great sword, the Soul Crusher, a sword that not only cut enemies apart like the softest wheat, but spawned magic as a Wizard's staff might. Most frightening of all were his eyes, if it were right to call them 'eyes', for they had no visible pupils, just dark, shadow-like ovals. "Word is spread Zithel has been retaken," he stated, his voice dripping with darkness, yet at the same time strangely mundane.

J.W. Baccaro is the author of Prophecy of the Guardian and Blood Dreams. Always a lover of creativity, from works of literature to writing music with his electric guitar; even baking and cooking. When not working on his next story or lost in a good book, J.W. enjoys kicking back with a couple of tasty craft beers and binging on Kaiju movies, 80's action flicks, Japanese animation and slasher films (particularly the one involving a hockey mask). Heck, he even enjoys a good romantic comedy. Feel free to email him at He lives in upstate NY with his wife Melissa, his son Alexander, his German Shepherd and his three cats. Look for his upcoming books The Coming of the Light: Guardian Trilogy Book 2, Piercing the Darkness: Guardian Trilogy Book 3, and The Tree of Damnation all coming soon.

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