
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Review: Soulless by Ivy Fox

Soulless by Ivy Fox
Series: The Privileged of Pembroke High #2
Publication date: September 26th, 2019
Pages: 449
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Nothing is ever as it seems.

In a world where lies and deceit rule, my carefully hidden secrets weren't an exception.

The privileged hide behind masks that only elitism and power can provide.

Yet, I'm still learning just how vile and ruthless you need to become to play their twisted game.

In my naivete, I thought my heart would always be safe in their hands.

But I was wrong.

So very wrong.

And now I have to live with the tangled mess my actions have created.

There are no winners in the war of treachery and hate.

But if you're soulless enough, you might just survive.

Soulless is the second book in the series which ends in a cliffhanger.

This is a #whychoose contemporary romance, full-length novel.

*Recommended 18+ due to mature language, adult situations, and sensitive content.

Available at:

When the worst thing in the world happens to Holland she can only curl into herself and hope that the pain stops. She doesn't trust the twins or their older, hotter brother to take care of her since they have been her constant tormentors from the moment their parents said 'I do.' She goes about her days being tortured at school by a bunch of kids who think she doesn't deserve the life she has been given and when she comes home the boys are scattering to the wind trying to avoid her. She feels disgusted with herself but the look of pity and disgust on their faces is her undoing. She avoids any and all people, even her new stepsister, just to try to find some solace through her trauma. Her mother taught her how to be stone-faced and act as if nothing bothered her and she was perfecting that skill now. But while the twins are still icing her out, their older brother seems to have fallen into the role of caretaker for the skittish young girl. He is still the asshole she always knew him as but now he seems to have a few softer edges to him. Perhaps he isn't so bad after all? But what will come of her new stepfather? Will he be okay and if so, will that mean Holland will no longer be?

This book was a lot better than the first. It started from the middle of the story but that was to be expected with it being the continuation of a cliffhanger. I felt so bad for Holland in this book. I had already started melting a little in favor of her when I watched her take her licks from the boys (and not in the smutty fun way). But after seeing how strong she was through such a traumatic experience, I had to give her props. I also liked getting to see another side of Roman. He was not the cantankerous older brother bent on destroying her because he was worried for his family. He was willing to open up to her and get to know her like he should have done from the start. Their dynamic was even more enticing than the one she had with the twins.

Ash is a butthead. I am sorry, but he is. There is nothing redeemable about him to me. He already was despicable in the first book but the second he was even worse. If I were Holland I'd drop Ash and keep Ollie and Roman.

I think the story had teeth this time around and while this was marketed as a bully romance, the bullying was very short-lived and sporadic. I am used to books where the bullying goes on for a majority of the series and not just a blip in the story overall. It's hard to really market it as such with it not being the predominant aspect. I would have liked to see that stretched out a bit more. 

I think this was a promising next installment in the series. I am not sure if I will be continuing the series from this point but there is always the chance. I do hope it continues to improve.


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