
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Series Tour with Excerpt + Giveaway: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series by Elizabeth Pantley @nocrysolution @SDSXXTours

Old Bones and Ice Cream Cones by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #6
Publication date: May 20th, 2022

A boyfriend who's missing. Or was... Or is... A boat full of old bones. A community ice cream social. A friend in trouble. A spiteful witch, and an angry villain. The mysteries abound in Destiny Falls, but Hayden, Latifa and their family and friends are up for the excitement and adventure.

Old Bones and Ice Cream Cones follows the series format of combining two stories that blend into one. A murder mystery and the island mystery.

The Island Mystery: Hayden's boyfriend Han is missing. But she swears she saw him zoom by in his car. She'd thought it was a surprise, and that he was home early from his secret service case. She was wrong. The surprise is that his signal isn't pinging, and no one knows where he is. There appears to be black magic behind his disappearance. Can they learn who's responsible and bring Han safely home?

The Murder Mystery: A pile of old bones is found in an ancient fishing boat. They could be tied to the disappearance of two young women years ago, back when many of the Destiny Falls people where in high school. Many of the citizens had bad history with the girls. Do the bones belong to those girls, and what happened? Were the girls murdered? And could the murderer be living among them?

Hayden's many adventures in Destiny Falls will keep you guessing with each book in this intriguing series.

Jousting and Justice by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #5
Publication date: February 15th, 2022

An invitation to a medieval festival. A ferry ride to a mysterious island. A scheming, inept witch. An office break-in, an unidentified body, and a string of suspects. Can Hayden, her brave, sassy cat, Latifa, and the people of Destiny Falls solve the mystery and enjoy the festival?

Jousting and Justice follows the series format of combining two stories that blend into one. A murder mystery and the island mystery.

The Island Mystery: Hayden and all her friends get an invitation to a medieval festival - but it's on "the forbidden island." It's too enticing to pass up. Of course, strange things will happen once they get there! ...You'll also learn the truth about the witch's sister!

The Murder Mystery: A dead body shows up in the most shocking place. First, they need to figure out who this dead guy is. Then, who killed him and why. There are so many twists and turns on the way to the answers! But we know that Hayden, Latifa, and their family and friends will figure it out and justice will be served.

Hayden's many adventures in Destiny Falls will keep you guessing with each book in this intriguing series.

Witches, Spiders, and Schemes by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #4
Publication date: November 10th, 2021

A magic mirror to an enchanted world. A mysterious ghost. A hilarious, perpetually annoyed witch. A brave, sassy cat. Two unexplained deaths and a mysterious community filled with secrets. Can Hayden and the people of Destiny Falls solve the mystery and return the community to its peaceful, enchanted existence?

Hayden's adventures in Destiny Falls continue in book four of the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series. Starting with a strange old woman at a cave and her father's mysterious ferry journey, there are secrets to be unwound.

The enchantments in Destiny Falls are showing cracks, and Hayden suspects that it's tied directly to her family, which has a history that's more complex than she realized. When two bodies are found floating in the bay it's clear that the mysteries surrounding Gladstone and the ferry are more dangerous than people realize.

Luckily, Hayden and her sassy sidekick, Latifa have developed a group of family and friends in this enchanted place who are all ready and willing to help solve the mystery, and release Destiny Falls to resume its normal, amazing, enchanted existence.

Hayden's many adventures in Destiny Falls will keep you guessing with each book in this intriguing series.

The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #3
Publication date: July 27th, 2021

A magic mirror. An enchanted world. A mysterious ghost. A hilarious witch. An unexplained death. A sassy cat. Visit Destiny Falls and escape to a great time.

A mysterious old man keeps popping up to tell Hayden a series of tall tales. Who is he? And is he actually glowing? Are his stories fiction, or is he telling her the history of her family, the enchanted islands, and the witch? And why did a dead body show up... of someone who is already dead?

Can Hayden and her quirky sidekick, Latifa unscrambled this mystery?

Hayden's adventures in the magical world of Destiny Falls continue in this gripping story that answers your questions about the mysterious world she entered through a mirror in book one, Falling into Magic. We learn more about her missing mother, whose story begins in book two, The Disappearance of Emily.

The Disappearance of Emily by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #2
Publication date: March 15th, 2021

A magic mirror. An enchanted world. A mysterious missing mother. A suspicious package. An unexplained death. A community of strange, quirky people. A sassy cat and a hilarious, bumbling, and perpetually annoyed witch. Hayden finds herself surrounded with support as she solves the mystery of the death and learns shocking secrets about herself.

Hayden's life was normal until she fell through a mirror and was thrust into an alternate, magical place. The town is enchanted and charming, and the amazing mansion she lives in changes to meet the needs of the people who live there, including her! Every day she discovers a new enchantment.

But something is amiss. Hayden gets an ominous warning from a strange woman, who promises to tell her the town secrets and give her a package--if she'll meet her at the mysterious ferry that lacks a published destination. The ferry visit is cancelled, but the package is delivered. Once it arrives, someone turns up dead. Then the suspicious episodes start, too many to call them coincidences. She and her family are targeted and in danger.

Who or what is causing the chaos? All signs point to the mysterious disappearance of her mother - way back when Hayden was just two days old. Can she identify and eliminate the threat before another person in her life is stolen away?

Falling Into Magic by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #1
Publication date: November 15th, 2020

An accidental journey through a magic mirror. A portal to an enchanted land. A mysterious family she never knew she had. Hayden's life is upended with the wonder of Destiny Falls. But it is tainted by the danger that brought her here and that threatens her newfound family. Can Hayden and her sassy sidekick remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical new life in this captivating world?

When Hayden was a child, she lost her cat. Adults told her the cat ran away, but she knew the truth. The mirror had taken her. She knew because the mirror gave her a glimpse of an alternate world and had nearly pulled her in, so she was certain the cat had suffered that fate.

Twenty years later Hayden discovers the secret of the mirror when she is thrust into it. She learns of an enchanted world she never knew existed, and a family she never knew she had.

But danger brought her here, and it followed her. Now, Hayden is on a mission to remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical, meaningful new life in this enchanted world filled with quirky characters, a talking cat, and wonderful new friends and family that welcomed her with open arms.

Available at:


Reviews for the Destiny Falls Series:

"Will blow you away!" -- Cozy Mystery Book Reviews

"My favorite series in the world wide world." -- Elza Reads

"Intriguing and totally unput-downable." -- Goodreads

"Generously seasoned with sass, class, and a dose of spunk. Delish!" -- Pages & Paws

"The mystery, magic, and delicately woven story held me captive!" -- Goodreads

"One of the most creative series I've ever read." -- Goodreads

"So. Darn. Clever." -- Pages & Paws

"Solidly at the top of my list for paranormal mysteries!" -- Goodreads

Reviews for Jousting and Justice:

"Absolutely magical! I could not put this book down!" -- Goodreads

"If there were more than five stars I would definitely give at least 10 stars worth double the wonderful!" -- Goodreads

"Full of wonderful characters, mystery, humor, and a mischievous cat. An adventurous mystery series written with clever imagination." -- Goodreads

"Just when I think the series cannot get any better, it does." -- Goodreads

Reviews for Witches, Spiders, and Schemes:

"Oh my goodness, this was SO GOOD!" -- Prockish

"A captivating read full of interesting people and places, with surprises around every corner." -- Linda C. Goodreads

"This is no run-of-the-mill paranormal book! Unique ideas." -- Susan G. Amazon

"The mystery, magic, and delicately woven story held me captive! I couldn't ever imagine such a delicious story!" -- Goodreads

Reviews for The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales:

"I. Can't. Even! Pantley amazingly, magically, has outdone herself once again! The mystery, magic, and carefully woven story and history held me captive!" -- Georgeanne, Goodreads

"I absolutely LOVE this series! An intriguing story... So many twists and turns!" -- Linda, Goodreads

Reviews for The Disappearance of Emily:

"Just when I thought I knew who the killer was, BAM, a twist." -- Leslie, Storeybook Reviews

"It draws you in from the word go, and you will not want to leave until it chucks you at The End." -- Carol, Goodreads

"A mix of unique characters, romance, mystery, and magic." -- Goodreads

Reviews for Falling into Magic:

"Absolutely brilliant, delightful and magical. This is a book that you cannot stop reading. More please, much, much more!" -- Carol, Goodreads

"You will be glad this is a series!" -- Susan G. Amazon

"Do yourself a favor and read this book." -- Prockish

"A magical, delightful tale with a quirky cast of characters, engaging dialogue, an appealing universe, and an intriguing plotline that I could not put down." -- Dru Ann,

Excerpt from Old Bones and Ice Cream Cones
We wound our way through the woods following what appeared to be a popular deer trail. It wasn't as groomed as the human trails, but there was enough of a path cut through the brush. We rounded a bend, and the lake came into view. The scenery before us was strikingly beautiful. The water was as smooth and still as ice. The peaceful lake was surrounded by lush woods that was reflected in the mirror-like surface. This area was hidden from view when we were on the trail.

"Ahhh, this is gorgeous!"

"I knew you'd love it," said Han. He draped his arm around me as we both drank in the view. "There's a rough trail around the perimeter of the lake. Want to explore?"

"You bet!" I took off in front of him and heard his chuckle behind me. The area in front of me really couldn't be called a trail. It was more like a continuation of the deer path that wound its way around the lake. We had to climb over large tree roots and boulders, so the going was slow, but well worth it. I made my way off the trail a bit and pushed through some willow tree branches to get closer to the lake.

"Hey! Look at that," I called out to Han. Ahead of us I'd spotted an old fishing boat. It was wedged between some large bounders. It was rusted, dented, and covered with moss and dirt. Whatever color it used to be was long gone, now replaced by a weathered dull gray. By its appearance it had been there a very long time.

"Is this your old fishing boat?" I teased Han as I moved closer to inspect it.

"Har-de-har. Hey! Careful there. I don't need to be fishing you out of the water."

I got closer to the boat and peered inside. "Eww, it looks like an animal has been using this as a feeding spot. There's a bunch of bones scattered all over."

Han came up behind me and looked into the boat. He made an odd sound then leaned closer to peer at the bones. "These aren't animal bones. "These aren't animal bones, Hayden. These are human bones."

Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and thirteen other books for parents. She is also the author of The Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She loves in the Pacific Northwest and is the mother of four and Nana to one.

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