
Monday, August 23, 2021

Release Boost + Teasers: Saving Teddy by Kaci Rose @AuthorKaciRose @GiveMeBooksBlog

Saving Teddy by Kaci Rose
Series: Oakside Military Heroes #3
Publication date: August 19th, 2021

He was the only one to survive the blast that killed the unit. She was the only one to survive the accident that changed her life.

The bomb exploded... and changed my life forever. I was the only member of my unit to survive and every day I wonder why. Why me and not them? Now that I learned a fellow soldier left me his family fortune, it's made the guilt unbearable. I have the money to do whatever I want, except change the past.

I was attracted to Teddy the moment our eyes met. Yet the survivor's guilt he suffers is palpable. I want to get close, but he's determined to keep the world at arm's length. Can I help him learn to celebrate his second chance instead of blaming himself simply for survivng?

This is a Steamy, Small Town, Military Romance. No Cliffhangers.
This is Book 3 in the Oakside Military Heroes Series.
As always there is a satisfying Happy Ever After.
If you love steamy romances with insta love, hot love scenes, military men, and small towns, then this one is for you.

Available at:

Saving Noah by Kaci Rose (Oakside Military Heroes #1) -

Saving Easton by Kaci Rose (Oakside Military Heroes #2) -

Saving Levi by Kaci Rose (Oakside Military Heroes #4) -
(Releasing February 17th, 2022)

Saving Gavin by Kaci Rose (Oakside Military Heroes #5) -
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Apple Books
(Releasing August 16th, 2022)

Kaci Rose runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She writes the type of romance books she wants to read.
Kaci loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

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