
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Release Blitz with Playlist + Excerpt: Grumpy Cowboy by Max Monroe @authormaxmonroe @EJBookPromos

Grumpy Cowboy by Max Monroe
Series: Single Dad Collection #3
Publication date: May 22nd, 2021

ATTENTION: If you have been a victim of false advertising, you may be entitled to compensation. If you were hired to take care of a fourteen-year-old boy's knee injury on a luxury ranch in the Middle of Nowhere, Utah, but that fourteen-year-old boy ended up being a tall, rough-and-tumble, muscular, one-hundred-percent all-man cowboy by the name of Rhett Jameson, you may have been put at risk for falling in love. Please seek counsel immediately.

Dear Counselor,

It was supposed to be a simple favor for my very important boss, Frank Kaminsky of the Salt Lake Slammers professional basketball team--go to his good friend Tex Jameson's luxury ranch and provide personal medical care for his recently injured teenage son.

I thought it'd be a working vacation of sorts--a chance for my city-girl self to experience something I would never otherwise do--but everything is upside down, and absolutely nothing is as I thought it would be.

For one, this patient is not a teenage boy.
He's a real-life, blue-eyed, tough-as-nails, thirtysomething cowboy who is so darn strong he looks like he could lift a car just for the heck of it.

He's also stubborn, rude, and we don't get along... at all.

Add in the heart-melting vision of him as a single father to the cutest little girl on the planet, and I've found myself in a whole different dimension of trouble.

Lust. Feelings. A whole lot of enemies-to-lovers-style complication.

Please help me. My name is Dr. Leah Levee, I am a victim of false advertising, and if I'm not careful, this Grumpy Cowboy might just be the death of me.

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Praise for Grumpy Cowboy

"What a wonderful, entertaining read from the very talented writing duo of Max Monroe, this is single dad Rhett Jameson and Leah Levee's story and what a captivating tale they have to tell." -- Goodreads Review

"Wow! This book has it all!" -- blog

"ADORABLE! I loved this! The perfect city-girl falls for grumpy cowboy rom-com!" -- BJ's Book Blog


With the length of time it takes the fancy-shoe-wearing stranger to string some words together, her mouth gaping like a fish the whole time, I consider going back in the house and calling an ambulance to come deal with her stroke.

And when she does get some words together, it's not like she clears everything up in a blink.

"I-I'm sorry?" she stutters, shoving on the tops of her knees to stand up straight again. She's tall, attractive, dangerously curvaceous, but she looks entirely out of place on my ranch.

I doubt she spends much of her time climbing through fence rails or the like.

This woman has citified written all over her expensive attire and done-up face.

That's not to say we don't have city folk come out here all the time for the "Dude Ranch" experience, but this chick takes all that to a whole new level. Guests usually at least go to the trouble of buying a brand-new set of boots and digging a pair of jeans out of the back of their closet.

Dressed in fucking high heels and a bright-as-hell dress that looks like a rainbow puked on it, she has made zero effort to conform to country living. It looks like someone plucked a celebrity out of fucking Hollywood and dropped her right on my front porch.

Honestly, there's a part of me wondering if Chase managed to send her here as some sort of sick fucking joke...

"What're you doin' here?" I repeat slowly. Joey giggles and waves, obviously taken with the magic of swanky clothes and makeup she's never seen before, and I grab her shoulder and pull her body back into my legs, further covering the full brace I have on my bad leg.

"Oh. Yes. I'm sorry!" the city girl says with a laugh of her own. "I'm here as a favor to Mr. Jameson." She rolls her eyes. "Well, technically, it's a favor for my boss, Frank Kaminsky, and a job for Mr. Jameson, but--" She waves a hand in front of her face. Never mind. I'm talking nonsense, I'm sorry. Those details don't matter. I'm looking for Rhett Jameson."

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. My spine tenses at her words, and when Joey turns to look up at me over her shoulder, I give it a squeeze to suggest she stay quiet.

"Well, you've found him," I say simply, pointedly choosing not to elaborate further.

"Oh thank God!" she cheers with a clasp of her hands, peering around me curiously. "Is he inside? I'd love to introduce myself."

My eyebrows draw together, and Joey, once again, damn near jumps out of her skin to set the record straight. I gently squeeze her tiny shoulder again and order, "Why don't you go on into the kitchen and clean up your lunch mess, Joe."

"But, Daddy!" she protests loudly, stomping a tiny, defiant foot. "I want to keep talking with Leah!"

"Joey," I warn. "Go clean up. Now."

She huffs and spins on her heels, bumping into my leg just slightly as she makes her angry exit. I cringe and strain the muscles in my neck against yelling out in pain, and then when she slams the door at the end of the hall, I shake my head. Goddamn, it's like she's got the sass of a full-grown woman already. I don't know how I'm going to handle her when she's a teenager.

And she's smart too. She knows that, on a normal basis, that door slam would have landed her a talkin'-to, but she's used the circumstances of a stranger on our doorstep against me.

When I look up to meet Leah's eyes again, hers are fixated directly on the giant brace over my left leg.

I move that leg just enough to break her concentration and smirk as her wide-eyed gaze jumps to mine. She looks downright scared and confused.

"You... you can't be Rhett Jameson," she finally breathes, shaking her head slightly as though she's trying to jiggle some kind of nonsense out of it.

I shrug. "Well, darlin', I am. Now... who the hell are you?"

About the Author:
About five years ago, a dynamic duo of romance authors teamed up under the pseudonym Max Monroe, and, well, the rest is history...

Max Monroe is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of more than thirty contemporary romance titles. Favorite writing partners and long time friends, Max and Monroe strive to live and write all the fun, sexy swoon so often missing from their Facebook newsfeed. Sarcastic by nature, their two writing souls feel like they've found their other half. This is their most favorite adventure thus far.

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