
Friday, February 5, 2021

Blog Tour with Guest Post + Giveaway: Beautiful Façade by Kathryn S. Rose @XpressoTours

Beautiful Façade by Kathryn S. Rose
Publication date: February 2021

On the day that 16-year-old Winter Starling had her life and dreams shattered by a sexual assault, she meets Kai, a boy from her high school obsessed with music. They develop a deep friendship, which comes to an abrupt end when Kai unexpectedly has to leave. Winter has no idea why he went or any way to contact him.

Ten years pass, and Winter has constructed a new reality for herself. Now living in Melbourne, she has a successful career in advertising and is engaged to Liam King, a star player in Australian Rules Football. Winter has a perfect life.

During a night out, Winter runs into Kai, now the lead singer of 'The Stonevilles.' Winter and Kai rekindle their friendship, and to everyone around them, their attraction is evident. With Kai back in her life, Winter's past threatens to ruin her relationship with Liam and everything she has worked to achieve. But can she risk losing Kai a second time?

Emotional and edgy, Beautiful Façade is about love, loss, healing, self-discovery, and the messy battle between one's head and one's heart.

Available at:

Guest Post
Behind the Scenes:

From the outset of writing Beautiful Facade, I planned to focus on things that were relatively known to me. The main reason for this is that I had to learn how to write a novel, and I didn't have time to spend on conducting massive amounts of research. I hadn't completed any writing courses before commencing, so I had to learn as I went. As time went on, I did a few short courses when I highlighted areas I needed to develop.

I found it natural to write from the perspective of a young Australian woman as I am one, or at least, was one. I went to university and studied the social sciences, as well as worked extensively in community services. I love live music, traveling, food, and wine. Therefore, these things were easy to write about. But there were several aspects that I had to research. Especially in regards to getting specific details right, such as the lifestyle of well-known football players, and the ins and outs of working for an advertising company. I used the internet for most of my research. I also reached out to various people for more information, but not one person got back.

Even though I have always dabbled in writing, I didn't start a regular writing routine until my first child was around 4-5 months old. He would wake me up for a breastfeed at about 4 am, and while he went straight back to sleep, I couldn't. It was then that I decided it was the perfect opportunity to work on my book. Up till that point, I'd mainly focused on plotting the storyline and developing the characters. Word wise, I'd only written around 20,000 words. Once I dedicated to a specific writing time, then I was slowly able to write the book. It has taken a few years to achieve what I have. In that time, I also returned to work and had a second child. I fit writing around everything else in my life, but try and maintain the regular habit of working on the book in the morning's early hours.

A typical day for me involves getting up between 4-4:30 am. How much writing I get done depends on when the kids wake up, but I tip-toe around the house until about 6 am. Unfortunately, lately, all I seem to be doing is book launch-related activities, and I'm missing the creative outlet. My plan for 2021 is to commit more time to the craft and hopefully complete a second novel to roll out this time next year.

Kathryn S Rose is a mum, wife, reader, writer, traveler, and food enthusiast. Writing a book was always on her bucket list, and finally, with Beautiful Façade, it has come into fruition.

Kathryn is interested in the study of human behavior and obtained a Bachelor of Social Science, with a focus on Community studies and Welfare Work.

Since completing her studies, she has worked in several jobs, which have enhanced her understanding of social issues, human development, relationships, and lifestyle. Some of these insights are reflected in her writing and give her inspiration.

Besides books, Kathryn has many other loves. She enjoys listening to live music, relaxing at the beach, embarking on random hiking adventures, and indulging in too much food and wine with family and friends.

When Kathryn and her family aren't traipsing around the world, they can be found residing in Perth, Western Australia.

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