
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Blog Tour with Excerpt + Giveaway: Baculum by Christina Bauer @CB_Bauer @XpressoTours

Baculum by Christina Bauer
Series: Angelbound Lincoln #4
Publication date: January 26th, 2021
Published by: Monster House Books

Watch Lincoln battle Norse monsters in the Viking Games!

As King of the Thrax, Lincoln leads the most powerful demon fighting force in the after-realms... yet he cherishes nothing more than his Angelbound love, Myla. Which is why the king loses his freaking mind when the sinister Ringmaster Kell targets his pregnant wife.

So. Not. Happening.

Ringmaster Kell runs the infamous Viking Games, a series of battles where participants take on the identity of a Norse monster and fight to the death. Sounds good to Lincoln. The king sets aside his crown and enters the arena with one goal only: destroy Ringmaster Kell.

Sometimes, a warrior just needs to ignite his baculum sword and kick a ton of evil ass. But is Lincoln protecting Myla or walking into a trap?

Perfect for readers who love Vikings, Norse mythology, hot princes and cool heroines.

Stories from perspective of Mister The Prince
1. Duty Bound
2. Lincoln
3. Trickster
4. Baculum
5. Angelfire
6. Rixa

Available at:


Who asks for a father-son talk on the first day of their kid's honeymoon?

Connor, that's who.

While Lincoln and his dicky dad chat away, I sashay into the bathroom. With every step, my tail swipes angrily behind me. After I slam the door, I realize the truth.

I'm focusing on the wrong thing here.

It's bathroom snooping time!

I mean, it's like the universe is saying... Myla, check out Lincoln's secret guy stuff. Who am I to deny fate? Ever since I met Lincoln, his home in Antrum has always held magnetic interest. Some key questions.

How do thrax entertain themselves without television?

How do they manage getting clean without commercially-developed body spray?

Do they buy aspirin, use magical leeches or what?

Now, I'll finally get some answers.

First things first. I check the shower. It's a large tiled space with lots of enchanted nozzles that spray water in every direction. A little shelf holds a bar of piney-smelling soap. I double check, just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Moving on to the medicine cabinet.

At least, I assume it's the medicine cabinet. Thrax are all stuck in the middle ages, so Lincoln's wall holds a pair of gilded mirrors that sit above matching porcelain sinks. And between those mirrors? A pair of doors are set into the wall.

That says medicine cabinet to me.

Oh, the things I might discover. What kind of magical goop do thrax use when they get ready? I'm really pulling for some live leeches in jars. Or perhaps a few slugs in a petri dish. It's just the romantic in me.

I pull open the side door to find teensy shelves lined with small clay jars.

No slugs or leeches. Oh, well.

Opening the right-hand door, I find a fresh tube of regular human-style toothpaste and some dental floss. There are even untouched brushes, both of the tooth and hair variety. Maybe my pregnancy hormones are kicking in, but that's about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Lincoln went out and got me morning stuff.

Once I'm showered, I open the bathroom door a crack again. Lincoln's now in his reception room with Connor. I can't catch what they're saying, but the tones are distinctly angry.

Better get dressed and join in the fun. Because when Connor is involved, there's always some drama.

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. She loves to connect with her fans at

Stalk Christina On Social Media -- She Loves It!

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