
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Book Tour with Trailer + Guest Post + Giveaway: A Romance for Christmas by Kayelle Allen @kayelleallen

A Romance for Christmas by Kayelle Allen
Publication date: October 21st, 2014

A sweet holiday romance showcasing love, loss, and the spirit of giving.

Can you fall in love again when the love of your life has gone?

On Christmas Eve, the love of Dara's life passed away in a tragic accident, leaving Dara with their three-year-old daughter. Though insurance paid for the basics, there wasn't much left. Now it's Christmas Eve again, there's no money for a tree, and everything Dara loves has been sold to survive.

A knock on the door reveals a cop, with a gift that will change her entire life.

A romance full of hope, so sweet there's not even a kiss...

Available at:

#PMInc will provide a 15% discount for anyone that is referred by or mentions Silver Dagger Book Tours!!


Guest Post
If your book had a candle, what scent would it be?
Something Christmasy like cinnamon, or gingerbread. Or maybe even fresh pine, like a Christmas tree. I think candles are great to put in drawers too. You open a drawer and that wonderful smell is released into the room. The right smell transports you straight into a memory. To this day, the scent of an oven warming up reminds me of my mother baking. Even non-Christmas things can do that. Whenever I got a new book as a kid, I'd always smell it. There's something about that smell that soothes and comforts. Today's books are printed in a different way and don't have the same smell. Have you noticed?

What inspired you to write this book?
I had a tradition for many years of writing a short story as a gift for friends at Christmas. One year, I wrote A Romance for Christmas for my critique group. They loved it and told me I should publish it. I put it aside for many years, but finally decided I'd give it a shot. I was shocked to see it hit the charts on Amazon, and stayed in the top 100 in its category for almost 3 months. When you create something out of love, I think it has a much stronger impact.

Where did you come up with the names in the story?
The names of the characters are almost all famous writers. When you read the book, I bet you recognize them. The exception is the parents. I named them after my own, and I dedicated the book to one of my sisters and her late husband. Their love match was sweet to watch. When he passed away, I wanted a way to honor that memory.

What is your favorite part of this book and why?
The hero comes into the kitchen at his parents' house and finds his folks doing their usual thing. She's cooking and he's reading a magazine, keeping her company. The parents banter back and forth, teasing each other in sweet ways. The hero loves seeing their steadfast relationship. He'd always hoped to have the same thing with his wife. When she passed away a year ago, leaving him with a four-year-old daughter to raise alone. His folks help as much as they can, but he misses having that other person to love. The widowed mother of his daughter's friend is going through the same thing, and he's invited her to come for Christmas dinner, which is one reason he's in the kitchen that night. He didn't need permission to invite her--his friends have always been welcome in his parents' home. It's also tradition for everyone to help make dinner, so when he shows up, his mother puts him right to work. This family, despite its tragedies, is moving forward the best way they know how, by loving one another and showing compassion to others. That's what the Christmas spirit is all about.

I'm Science Fiction author Kayelle Allen. I did a tour in the US Navy, where I climbed around airplanes fixing black boxes that helped pilots find their way home. I wrote my first novel at 18 but to this day, it's hidden under my bed, where (trust me) it will remain. Gems from it, however, launched several series in my galaxy-wide universe of stories. From childhood, I was a victim of an overactive imagination and inherited the Irish gift of gab from my mother. From my father, I got a healthy respect for mechanical things. Small wonder I write Science Fiction and Fantasy with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr.

I'm a member of RomVets, a group of military and former military women who write romance. In 2014, I was awarded an honorary lifetime membership to the OutlantaCon Science Fiction Convention for support of the convention since its debut. I founded Marketing for Romance Writers (more about them below) and today it has over 7k members. I also lead a writer's group in my community. Now that I'm retired, I stay busier than ever. I've been married so long I'm tenured.

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