
Friday, July 19, 2019

Cover Reveal with Trailer: To Kill a Fae by Jamie A. Waters @jawatersbooks @XpressoTours

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To Kill a Fae by Jamie A. Waters
Series: The Dragon Portal #1
Publication date: September 26th, 2019

The darkness holds more than just secrets...

Marked for death, Sabine escaped from her home and fled to a human city.

But the Wild Hunt will never give up.

For more than a decade, she's kept her head down and avoided talking about her past.

Even the best-laid plans eventually fall apart...

When a charismatic stranger arrives. Sabine is unwittingly drawn to him and his power. Keeping her distance is nearly impossible, especially after a life debt is called due and she's tasked with helping him steal a rare artifact.

In order to break the magical barriers protecting the item and save her companions, Sabine will be forced to drop her glamour and reveal her true identity.

The Fae aren't the only ones hunting her.

And the most dangerous monsters aren't always confined to the dark.

Available at:


About the Author:
Jamie A. Waters is an award-winning, fantasy and science-fiction writer. Her first novel was a winner of the Readers' Award in Science-Fiction/Fantasy Romance and the CIPA EVVY Award in Science-Fiction.

Jamie currently resides in Florida with two neurotic dogs who enjoy stealing socks. When she's not pursuing her passion of writing, she's usually trying to learn new and interesting random things (like how to pick locks or use the self-cleaning feature of the oven without setting off the fire alarm). In her downtime, she enjoys reading on her Kindle, playing computer games, painting, or acting as a referee between the dragons and fairies currently at war inside her closet.

You can learn more by visiting her website.

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