
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Review: Bright Side by Kim Holden

Bright Side by Kim Holden
Series: Bright Side #1
Publication date: July 4th, 2014
Pages: 468
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Kate Sedgwick's life has been anything but typical. She's endured hardship and tragedy, but throughout it all she remains happy and optimistic (there's a reason her best friend Gus calls her Bright Side). She's quick witted, endlessly passionate about music, the first to offer a smile, and the kind of loyal that most friends only dream about. The one thing that escapes her optimism is love. She's never bought into it, never believed in it. So, when Kate leaves San Diego to attend college in the small town of Grant, Minnesota, the last thing she expects is to fall hard for Keller Banks.

They both feel it.

But they each have a reason to fight it.

They each have a secret.

And when secrets are revealed,

they may heal you,

or they may end you.

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Quirky and persistently positive Kate is just starting out in college. With nobody she knows around her and her best friend thousands of miles away from her she has to start over from scratch. But when you are the type to push others to live their lives to the fullest, it is hard to not garner a few friends along the way. Whether it be the openly gay boy who just needs someone who will support him as he lets himself experience his sexuality, the closed off and angry flower shop worker, or the shy and bumbling coffee shop barista, it is hard for anyone to resist Kate's radiant personality. There is a reason that her best friend calls her Bright Side. But Kate is hiding a secret that will turn her world and the people she love's lives upside down. Add to that the fact that she is desperately trying to resist the handsome barista, Keller's, attractiveness and you have a disaster waiting to happen. Will Kate's secret get between her and her budding romance with Keller and what of his mysterious past? Are they doomed to fail or can Kate's world of sunshine and rainbows (and of course unicorns) help them to overcome all their obstacles?

When I first started this book I had an incredibly hard time delving into it. The overwhelming positivity from the main character read very fortune cookie-like. She was always pushing people to live their best lives and to be spontaneous. It was the first sign that something bad was going to happen. It tipped me off well before it came out in the book and caused this sense of dread to overcome me to the point where I almost put the book aside and didn't finish it. But once I actually dug into it I stayed up until 8am reading the whole thing in one sitting. The beginning may not have locked me in but once it hit that major secret being realized, it was hard not to see what happened next.

This is a warning for all the cry-baby readers out there, you will sob. You will ugly cry. You will set the book aside and sit for a moment only to lapse into MORE tears because the tragedy feels so real. I have never read a book that went through so much pain through so much of the book. I think the major conflict was revealed at like 60% of the book? That was 40% of them coming to terms with it and it slowly getting worse and worse. There is no happy ending for this book. Get that out of your head real fast. This book will utterly destroy you and make you just sit back and sob repeating "oh my god!" 

But I did love Kate's connections to everyone. She had a special bond with each of them and it made it impossible for anyone to hate her. Even the people who tried she just had a way of refusing to fight with them to the point where all their blustering piped down. Keller and Kate may have been the aimed for couple in the book but my heart was yearning to see Kate and Gus end up together. I could tell Gus was smitten with her from the beginning and was curious how that would work with Keller coming into the mix. Gus was such a vivacious character. But unfortunately, even though Gus is featured in the second book I can't read it. I was so hungry to see Kate and Gus together that seeing him move on with someone else would not work for me. I do appreciate that the author didn't try to move on other characters as well because that would have ticked me off.

The book started out slow but once it got its hooks it didn't let go until you were a weeping mess with the last page turn.

Release Blitz with Teasers: All In by E.M. Shue @emshue_ak @EJBookPromos

All In by E.M. Shue
Series: Russian Cardroom #3
Publication date: June 27th, 2024

When the flop is turned, I realize what I have.

The winning hand.

But she doesn't know that, so I'm going all in.

I'm part owner of the Lucky Dice Casino, one of the most popular on the Strip. My life consists of order, my computer, and numbers. My one vice is an exclusive club for the wealthy and very private. That's where I met my dream girl. She's everything I want and so much more.

When she runs from me, the last place I expect to find her is in the Russian Bratva's Las Vegas headquarters. My dark-haired beauty has been a naughty girl. She's in the Bratva's crosshairs, as well as the other organized families in town. But she's mine. I'll give her my protection... as long as she takes my name.

Everything I own is on the table, and she's my prize.

I won't lose.

This next installment is the dark mafia romance series Russian Cardroom will leave you enchanted.

Available at:

E.M. SHUE is an Alaskan award-winning romance author. She is proudly featured in K. Bromberg's Everyday Heroes World, Aurora Rose Reynold's Happily Ever Alpha World, KL Donn's Mafia Made Series, Susan Stoker's Special Forces Operation Alpha World, and the soon to be released Devil's Handmaidens MC Collection.

She published her first book in 2017 after having a dream that later became the Beverley Award winning, Sniper's Kiss. Since then, she has gone on to win this award three more times with different books and has published over thirty titles.

Join Surprises from E.M. to be kept up to date on all her new releases and appearances.

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Book Blitz with Excerpt + Teaser + Giveaway: The Prince She Kissed in Paris by Scarlett Clarke @sclarkeromance @XpressoTours

The Prince She Kissed in Paris by Scarlett Clarke
Publication date: June 25th, 2024

What happens when an architect has to work with the far-too-tempting prince she shared one magical evening with in Paris? Find out in Scarlett Clarke's debut for Harlequin Romance! 


Architect Maddie is still thinking about her steamy kiss with a stranger when she walks into her meeting the next morning... And finds her new client, Nicholai, is that stranger and a prince! No matter how incredible the attraction, he's now completely off-limits. He's her boss, a dutiful royal and she's sworn off men. But when their inevitable second kiss is caught on camera, there's only one solution to the impending scandal--faking their engagement!

From Harlequin Romance: Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.

Available at:

She leaned over and picked up the sketch pad at her feet. Her fingers grabbed the bottom of her drawing and, before he could say anything, tugged. The penciled illustration of the Eiffel Tower tore free.


He stared at the drawing, then back at her.

"For me?"

"Yes." Her eyes crinkled at the corners. "Something to remember Paris by when you go back home."

"I can't--"

"Yes, you can." She pressed the drawing into his hands before flipping through the sketches in the book. Images of Sacre-Coeur's elegant domes, vine-covered shops in Montmartre and the book-filled windows of Shakespeare and Company flew past. "I have plenty. I want you to have this. Please."

The please did him in. He nodded, unable to express his gratitude with words for fear he'd say something else, like telling her he wanted to see her again.

Let her go.

She grabbed the empty wine bottle and walked past him, a heady, sweet scent lingered in her wake Angry with himself and, for the first time in a long time, the role he was bound to, he followed.

She moved toward a door in the wall marked Escaliers, tossing the wine bottle into a refuse bin by the door. They both reached for the handle. Their hands brushed. Her sharp intake of breath pierced his armor. He looked down to see her face tilted up, eyes wide and lips parted, her blonde hair glowing in the moonlight. She watched him without guile, without assessment. She simply looked at him as a woman looked at a man she desired.

He couldn't have stopped himself if he'd tried. He leaned down and kissed her.

From sneaking behind the shelves of her local library to read a few pages of romance to absconding with her mom's copy of A Rose in Winter by Kathleen Woodiwiss, SCARLETT CLARKE has loved romance for as long as she can remember. By day, she works in public relations. By night, she powers through her most hated chore (laundry) and writes sweet, contemporary romance with strong heroes and the fierce heroines who make them realize true love really is possible.

When she's not reading or writing, shes wrangling her two little ones while trying yet again to plant a vegetable garden, visiting her husband at the fire station, or sitting on her front porch savoring a cup of hot tea and the sight of the Midwestern countryside.

Book Blitz with Excerpt + Giveaway: Hotheaded Heart by Anna Alkire @AnnaAlkire @XpressoTours

Hotheaded Heart by Anna Alkire
Series: Waterfall Canyon #1
Publication date: June 25th, 2024

A fun sexy story, with a dash of suspense, about not hiding from yourself and letting love in. This steamy, laugh-out-loud, enemies to lovers romance pits an annoying prankster, turned small town cop, against the woman forced to live with him.

I'm finally back in Waterfall Canyon, after leaving for a decade, when one-night changes everything. I sort of snapped and beat up my stalker with yard debris. That creep didn't know who he was messing with. Except, I was the one put in the patrol car.

Sometimes the worst mistake of your life calls for desperate measures--like accepting help from one of the cops that arrested you.

Beau Martin is a police officer, a slob, and also a man that's promised to never settle down. He's my best friend's older brother. We had a history--of him tormenting me ten years ago. Now he leaves me flirty notes, wants me to believe he's always liked me, and thinks we should blow off some steam.

Torn between Beau and an unrequited work crush, pursued by my increasingly creepy stalker, and fighting to save my career from the fallout of my mistake, I stumble into organizing a bachelor auction for charity. Everything depends on the support of our small town--and how much I can sacrifice for my own heart.

From award winning author Anna Alkire, comes an unforgettable new series that mixes the spice of Meghan Quinn's A Not So Meet Cute, and the unexpected fun of Lucy Score's Things We Never Got Over. Anyone looking for banter, cuteness, and a bit of suspense will find it in this steamy contemporary romance with a romantic comedy spin. Grab your copy of Hotheaded Heart today!

Available at:

In the morning, I found another note from Beau.

I'm worried about you up in that bedroom by yourself. You should come sleep with me where it's safer. Anytime. I would gladly lose sleep.

Ordered door cams to put in. Let's get them installed this weekend.

I thought about you all night. You know I've always liked you, right? Probably why I teased you so much when we were kids. Are you ready to admit that you've always liked me too? 

- Beau

Gasping, I crinkled the note up in my fist--then flattened it out and pressed it against my chest. Bent over the kitchen counter, I focused on taking deep breaths, laughing at myself a little while my eyes stung.

Crap. Why am I reacting like this? I stood up straight and set the note down, determined to get my coffee and be rational.

My problem was that it had been too long. I shook my head. Well, and also Beau's wide shoulders and muscled arms. I tapped myself on the forehead.

Before leaving for a long day I was determined to spend entirely out of the house, I wrote Beau a note.

Don't worry about me and stop flirting! We can't start something. You're getting auctioned off for charity in three weeks and I need your pretty face to bring in lots of donations.

Should I remind you of SOME of the pranks you played on me that I'm still holding a grudge over? You stalked my cookies, put vinegar in my apple juice, frozen cereal in my bowl, stuffed my shoes, made packing peanuts fall on my head, and filled my hand sanitizer bottle with clear glue. Those times you stole my towel and clothes while we were swimming so that I had to chase you around, in my bikini, in front of practically the entire high school!

I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

So, no, I'm not going to your barbecue. I'll be over in Portland on a date.

ANNA ALKIRE has been a long-term college student, a business owner, and a world traveler. Now "settled"--with a sigh and a cup of decaf--Anna lives in Washington state, where she splits her time between a husband who thinks the North Pole would be a great place to live, chasing her hurricane of a son, learning new handicrafts, and creating worlds full of the kind of romance and fun she most wants to read. Find more about her (and grab a freebie or two) at her website.